Tuesday 10 April 2012

Back to School again.

I have booked myself in for two more weeks of Spanish classes in Santiago. The school is in the middle of the University area of town and is heaving with lots of bright young things in a party mood. It must have been signing on day as there were queues along the pavements outside several of the admin buildings. Some of them were in school uniform which made them look about 12 years old.

First day back and forgot my apple for teacher, which was ok as i have a male teacher this time. Just two other students a Brazilian (who of course finds Spanish easy) and an English girl (her last day before heading to Peru).

What I found, within the first 10 minutes, was that I have forgotten about 50% of what they taught me in BsAs. Age is a terrible thing and the old grey matter (no not my hair) struggles to retain Spanish conjugations of verbs. It hurt my feelings to be the only one of 3 to be given homework & I even struggled with that!

For example which other language has the same phrase for Why and Because "por que" and "porque"! The trick is all in the pronunciation - if only Wilks was here to help!
Slightly embarrassing moment at playtime. I put my money in the "automated" coffee machine and waited. It was a little while before the guy behind me pointed out that I hadn't put the cup under the spout. My coffee was dribbling through the drip tray! I grabbed a plastic cup just in time to get the dash of luke watm milk. Delicious!

The funny thing is I really enjoy the whole atmosphere and trying to learn, even if I am a hopeless case.


  1. Try wearing a sombrero to keep your brain warm! x

    1. that would require a pair of woolly boxers then!

  2. Leaving aside the obvious targets of "bright young things" and "in school uniform" our champ is till in there slugging away. I tried German for a short period whilst at school (the middle ages for most listeners) and found it totally mystifying despite being clinicaly closer to English than French!
    Problems wuth drink dispensers and various are sadly syptomatic of the senior moments one comes to expect but obviously not welcome. "Read the slip" comes to mind Kevin! Wearing a sombrero may temporarily eleviate sympotoms but not eradicate them.
    I trust all is well with his Lordshp and her Ladyship these days as I personally have missed their sparkling wit and incisive contirbution over recent day(s), maybe an occasional Blandford Flyer, Fursty Ferret or even a Hopping Hare is called for?

    1. Seems to me there are far too many distractions at this Language school but I have no doubt you will get your head down and conquer the conjugations! What news on the bike?

      All is well with his Lordship and Ladyship, thank you David but I'm not sure you have been looking at the right Blog as Henry has rather had blogitis in recent days and posted quite alot!! Maybe you have had one too many "Old Peculiars"!!

      From SHE who is having an identity crisis!

    2. Read the slip - I managed to avoid doing that my entire career, I am not about to start now!

      Once Henry & Clara go on one of their binges they can be out of circulation for some time. Are you coming down to Le Mans to meet the old soaks?

    3. I think Henry & Clara got your "reply" oops sorry about that
