Tuesday 20 March 2012

Just when you think it is getting dull

I had a bit of fun and games getting the bike sorted. Despite being given assuranes that there were professional independet people who could sort the "computerised damper" I ended up at the BMW main dealer. This was about 5 hours later.

They did not look too impressed at having ro deal with a "warranty" issue on a UK bike. They insisted on the Doucmentation to support the service history and the vehicle registration. Funnily enough, I didn't bring the service book with me to South America. Luckily the BMW dealer in Hampshire did their bit and pinged a copy of the service record to the Santiago Dealer. That and a scanned copy from JIS  my new best friends in Santiago (I am not sure they see it the same way) sems to have done the rick. I did ask Andro & Sebastia; Do I got my own office if I came back again next week?

Oh and the replacement Damper, which i told them about when i was in Tierra Del Fuego, will take 3 weeks to arrive! Looks like more Spanish lessons and a few days at the beach for me then!

A few days ago Wilks kindly took me to Liguria, a popular restaurant in Providencia, as an early Birthday celebration.

I went back there this evening, on my tod, as I rather liked the atmosphere. It is Italian in style with the sort of music Wilks sings for his pleasure and our agony.

I got a nice table in the restaurant, surrounded by the beautiful people of Santiago. I have to admit I was a bit disappointed with the arrival of the diners who took the table next to me. Judging by the look of them, they were the IT department from Bumphuck Computers plc on their Xmas bash.

Little did I realise the entertainment to be had.

Firstly, at no point in the evening were less than 50% of them on their smart phones at any one time. The iPhones only just outnumbered the pony tails and the average weight was double that of the average Chileano.

The head honcho ordered the wine - hats off to the waiter he earned his money tonight.

He got him to the bottom of the last page. The best bit was that , with great aplomb he brought the wine to the table, with a decanter. Uncorked,  then ceremoniously cleaned the cork as if presenting Mass at St Peter's and put a dab of wine in the glass of the guy with the credit card.

He professed himself happy with it and the waiter then poured the top inch, from the bottle, in to the decanter & swilled it around, as if warming a pot for tea!

This he then tipped in to a glass that promptly disappeared in to the kitchen. The Chef must love his job.

Best of all he then dumped the remainder in to  the decanter, lees and all., for the benefit of the paying public.

I was so "impressed" that I asked my waiter if i could see the the bottle. It was a 2006 Cab Sauv.. With a wink he told me it threw a heavy sediment. I am sure the Glass washer will get it all out of the bottom of their glasses in due course..

They repeated this twice in my presence and i thank them for it. I did mention your priorities change on a trip like this when dining solo.

You could tell the diners knew what they were doing when they took photos of the wine & the subsequent bottles. I said to my waiter "they are aficionados?" to which he simply replied "they are Brazilian".

Anyway it amused me & if you are ever in Santiago I recommend Liguria (on Providencia) as a good place to drink, eat and people watch (they make a very decent Pisco Sour too).

By the way, I am sure the Brazilians were saying "look at that sad bastard all on his own". They will never know the entertainment I got from their presence.

Don't expect too many more Bogs for the time being. Santiago is not throwing up many amusing anecdotes.

Will report next time I have something more interesting.



  1. Hello Kevin,
    With time to spare I thought you might like news your way for a change, a bit late in answering your question regarding my race plans for this year. A general air of indifferenec still prevails although I had considered doing the first race at Hockenheim mid April, unfortunatly the engine is not ready due to a fire at the builders. It looks likely I might be at Silverstone for the Martini race 19/20 May, same as last year.
    At Brands today helping a friend, also Steve giving Pat Murphy help with his son's FF. A glorious sunny day and 20C to make you wish you were out there, well maybe!Enjoy yourself, Vic.

    1. Vic

      I hope you do get to run a few races this year, obviously the canon fodder (me) is not there to give you an easy victory though!

  2. Haapy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday dear Delbert
    Happy Birthday to you

    Guess you will miss out on your Little Chef breakfast today but hope that you will be able to find someone in Santiago to cook you a "full english", have a great day, always in our thoughts over here.

    1. Many thanks, they have something similar but no bacon and eggs!

  3. Enzo, As you suggested you would be having a quiet few days we felt we could take a few days off ourselves. Glad to return to find all still well with you and BMW being fettelled FOC.
    Somewhat cynical about your Spanish prowess now I see you were unable to detect the difference between Spanish and Portugese whilst dining (almost) with the Brazilian beautiful people and their mobiles - perhaps more language lessons are indeed a good idea.
    Lord Clara and I have become grandparents just 2 days after your B'day and 2 days before mine - not sure about sleeping with a granny though!
    Dont know if I should be surprised that Santaigo does not have too many bogs?? - the ride up the mountain sounds a good one and we loved the Condor photo, clearly Wilks' photographic tuition is paying off as the building was in clear focus.
    Did your "full English" b'day breakfast start with a Badger Ale and end with a South American red, or did you go the Gloucestershire route and stick with G and T?

    Continue to enjoy and stay safe. Henry.

    1. Many congratualtions - boy of girl? I hope the whole family are fit and healthy.

      I didn't realise our B'days were so close together - sounds like a good excuse for a p*** up!

      You think it is bad - what about the poor transgender Clara?!

      Many a good tune played on an old fiddle.

      hope the pre-season warm up is going well. After the intermission, I will be back to a full blog next week so watch this space!

    2. It's a boy - Charlie, and born on my Dad's 91st b'day! So another Ariean - heaven help us! All fit and healthy thanks but parents shattered and Grandparents in shock! - in fact Henry is in complete denial!

      Since when did you two need an excuse for a p***up?!

      I have been quite enjoying my elevated status and apparently it's "As good as it gets" now I'm a (Lord) granny! Ha, an old fiddle indeed!

      Test day this coming Thurs with the 'old nail' and Nick and then first race on 5th May at Donnington with Nick and Podge in attendance.(Sorry Ian).

      Looking forward to the resumption of the blog.


  4. Charlie? Nice name but i don't know of any daring racing drivers by that name - what happened to Fangio, Pierre-Luigi, Enzo, Delbert etc?
