Friday 20 January 2012

Florida (no not that one)

Had to organise some details for the bike which meant trundling back in to Downtown BsAs. decided to try the Metro as it was already hot at 9am. A week long season ticket cost me just about £4 - read it and weep all those of you commuting from Clapham.

Very nice lady at the insurance broker sorted my Argentian insurance in no time at all and i left with the certificate. She is also sorting my insurance for most of the other countries i will be visiting so that was nice (can pick that up next week). This cost the princely sum of about £95 for the year. 

From there I went to see Sandra at Dakar motos out in a suburb called Florida. They help with all the paperwork at the Airport & the customs officals.
She tapped in to the interweb and found that the Bike was on it's way from Doha - clearly the most "efficient" way to get a Bike from London to Buenos aires was on Qatar Airways!

I was armed with my instructions for more black and white photocopies and words of warning that, the customs will not like me having 2 new tyres with the bike - they will assume i have brought them in to sell (well with 30% inflation I suppose it may be worth it to some). I didn't like to mention the fly reel and rod!

Then Sandra pointed me in the direction of the Train station (because of a cockup on my part i had taken a taxi there). The ticket for about a 20 minute commuter train back in to the middle of BsAs was less than 1 Peso - about 14p. Read it and weep all of you commuting in from Surrey.. And it was a "real" Locomotive.

The streets are littered with lots of old cars still being used, I saw this one and at first glance i thought it was a GT 40 but on closer inspection i realised that it didnt have the correct door handles. Some of these old nails are hard to tell apart.

I think i found out why there are pick pockets and muggers in BsAs, this is a Police car! need i say more?

It has cooled down enough to go and read my book in the jacuzzi's on the roof. Personally I think it is a bit extravagent having 2 on such a small apartment building.


  1. Delbert/Enzo, You cheeky sod!! suggesting that that old "wheelbarrow" resembled a GT40". Would love to dump that wheelbarrow on OC's drive with a suitable note!
    Sounds like you are getting yourself sorted and getting settled. Hope you don't fall asleep in the Jacuzzi reading your kindle!! Best, Clara

  2. Think the police car is worthy of a f'ng nneeeeooooouuuwwwww !!!

    1. I dont think much in Argentina has gone fng nnneeooooowwww since Fangio! I suppose the inflation at 30% could be considered worth of the exlamtion tho!
