Monday 17 September 2012

Broken Canoe or Canoa Quebrada

We didn't have a broken canoe - that is the name of the town we were visiting.

On the way there we passed through the usual police checkpoints (of which we just pass through without trouble). As there are large speed humps I normally just stand up on my foot pegs to make it more comfortable going over them........well at this one the Policeman's reaction was utter astonishment. He waved he arms like a windmill and I stopped. I had no idea what his issue was at this point and assumed he was cross with me for trying to ride straight through. He came over very red faced and talking at 100 mph. I got my papers and passport out to hand to him but this wasn't his issue. He was shouting whilst slapping my the saddle of my bike hard. by now the others had arrived. apparently he took exception to me standing up on my bike over the bumps, the saddle must be used at all times!!! Duly admonished we headed off. Bizarre!

Canoa Quebrada or "Broken canoe" Is a lovely small beach town and what you imagine Brazil is all about.

Tacio (Catycha's friend) had got there before us, sorted an hotel and welcomed us in. We were hurried to get changed as Tacio was treating us to a Dune Buggy ride in time for the sunset (Tacio is in the red T shirt)
He has travelled everywhere including the Trans Siberian highway and is a very quiet unassuming guy.
After an exciting spin across the sands we stopped for a drink at the top of a dune. The other side had this water slide - trouble is we had all showered and had our "best" clothes on so couldn't take the plunge.
Lastly a scream along the waters edge before stopping to see the sunset. The kids would do back flips down the slope for 4 or 5 tumbles before crashing in a cloud of sand.
We had a nice dinner although I find it very difficult mixing Portuguese, Spanish and English. If you are ever passing this way, Canoa is worth a visit.

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